Be of Good Cheer – Redux

Here’s something I shared last year that seems appropriate for the needs of the moment:

While working for his former employer, a Christian friend of mine had an extremely high pressure job. One Wednesday evening, I asked him how he was doing. He responded, “This day has been a long week.”

Have you ever had a day like that—a day when it seemed as though nothing was going right? Like the homeowner in Maui I read about. He was told by the fire investigators that the cause of the blaze which destroyed his home was a short in the newly installed fire prevention alarm system. He responded, “This is even worse than last year, when someone broke in and stole my new security system!”

Perhaps you experienced the frustration that comes when, no matter how hard you tried, you just could not seem to make yourself understood. Like the man who spoke frantically to someone at the doctor’s office, “My wife is pregnant and her contractions are only two minutes apart!” The voice on the other end replied, “Is this her first child?” Without missing a beat, he shouted, “No! This is her husband!”

Life is that way, isn’t it? Sometimes it seems as though we just can not catch a break. We experience misfortune and are misunderstood. When we are caught in the whirlwind of the events, they are not comical, either. Often, the circumstances are momentous challenges to our faith and faithfulness. Make no mistake about it, in life we will experience some tremendous disappointments and heart-jarring hurts. It is at these times that we are faced with a crucial decision. How will we respond?

Ultimately, we have two choices. We will either choose to get better or to get bitter. The road of bitterness is dark and lonely. The road of betterness, though, is well lit and secure. For it is on this road we meet our Savior and hear His encouraging words, “In the world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” In Christ we are triumphant, indeed! As we continue our shared journey into the heart of God, let’s be of good cheer!!

© Bill Williams, August 22, 2005

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11 Responses to Be of Good Cheer – Redux

  1. Mag says:

    That was a cup of hot cocoa. Thanks.

  2. Cecil Walker says:

    Being a person genetically predisposed to worry; this is a tough one for me. I don’t think my worrying pushes me towards “bitterness” but it can push me towards undo stress and a propensity to miss out on the everyday simple pleasures of being in Christ.

    Oh well, I guess I won’t “worry” about it. 

  3. Greg England says:

    Are you suggesting there is actually a life different than this?

  4. Rachel says:

    I needed to hear this today…
    I am struggling not to be bitter but better in a situation in my life right now. Thanks for the encouragement, Bill! 🙂

  5. donna says:

    it is good for the soul to visit an upbeat and encouraging blog such as yours….thanks for visiting me and the kind comments…

    Have a blessed weekend..

  6. Bill,
    I lost the email you sent me. Would you please resend it? thanks

  7. pam says:

    Thanks for this gentle reminder. 🙂 It helps me a great deal to remember that, as a child of the Father, I am not bound to the constraints of this world….I am a new creature in a Godly Kingdom yet to be fully realized. It’s when I get caught up in the systems of this world that I get bogged down.

    love in Him,

  8. Nan says:

    Thank you Bill. I needed to see that this morning. My life is always in such a chaotic state that there are days when I am not sure which end is up. Praying does help, thankfully.

  9. Kathy says:

    Great timing, Bill.

    Though I’m really not much of a worrier anymore, there are anxious moments such as getting the news that my only sibling, my kid brother, will be having robotic surgery the first of December for prostate cancer.

    Praise the LORD, He was finally able to get through this slow learning thick skull of mine that Matthew 6:25-34 is not a good suggestion from Jesus about worrying, it’s His commandment that I not worry – that I rely on His and the Father’s love for me – that they will care for me – I am NOT to worry.

    It is only due to this that I was able to receive the news about my beloved brother with an other-worldly peace and security that the LORD is caring for him, I need only love him and Him while praying to Him for him and God will take care of the cancer!!

    So I pray and ask y’all also to intercede for Bob’s healing, knowing with all my heart that the LORD has the perfect answer for Bob!! Praise Him!!!

  10. MommyHAM says:

    This is a fun, and excellent reminder of the choices we have. Life sometimes seems as if it just happens to us, and sometimes the things that are beyond our control, do. But those things could be counted as the things that bring us closer to God, just as much as they can be the things which drive us away from Him….it all depends on our choice.

  11. Bill says:

    Sorry to have been so inattentive, I’m at a family retreat in rural Pennsylvania, a few miles from the area in which the Susquehanna River empties into the Chesapeake Bay. Lord willing, I’ll be back in the saddle in a couple of days. -bill

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